November was an eclectic reading month. There was a mix of fiction and non fiction, young adult, new adult and middle grade, published and self-published. Unusually, for me, none of the books fitted into the category of UKYA this time.

I started out with All I Want for Christmas by Esme Taylor, a romantic novella from Hot Key Unlocked, which I uploaded to Kindle. I don't usually go for contemporary romance so this made a nice change. It was easy to read and well-written. Not necessarily a genre I'd return to frequently, but worth a try. I'm definitely going to keep out for new releases from Hot Key Unlocked.

The Wild Girl by Kate Forsyth was a review copy. Again, not something I'd normally choose, but I was happily surprised (and the cover is beautiful). The author really brought the historical period to life and made me view the world of the Brothers Grimm from a completely new angle. I'm keen to read her other novels now.

I've been meaning to devote some time to Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott for years so was chuffed when I discovered a copy in my local library. Even better, the book was much funnier than expected, as well as being full of sage writing advice. Great if you need to boost your creative confidence.

Miss Hyde by Gwen Ellery was also a review copy, which I read on my Kindle. I really enjoyed this self-published steampunk novel loosely based on the story of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. It's aimed at the new adult market and contains lots of intrigue and romance.

I managed to find time to devour Shine by Candy Gourlay at the end of the month. Wow! I loved Tall Story so had been really looking forward to Candy's next novel. Full of mystery, strange illnesses and ghosts, I ploughed through the copy at record speed. Great, great, great!
I have plenty of books lined up for December. My TBR pile currently stands at a respectable fourteen titles and I'm planning to read at least a third of these in time for another delivery from Santa. Need more shelves!!